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Live Below The Line

Live Below The Line

So check this out: April 29-May 3, I (Sammy) will be participating in a campaign called Live Below the Line where I will only eat and drink on $1.75 for 5 days, the Canadian equivalent of the extreme poverty line.

Madness. (Although just in time for swimsuit season, so that’s a handy plus).

I’m reaching out to you, the fabulous and fresh music community because I know you enjoy supporting worthy causes.

With the money raised, Raising The Village (RTV), a Canadian organization, will partner with the village of Murole in southwest Uganda to end their daily struggle with extreme poverty.

Using sustainable and innovative projects committed to community empowerment, leadership, and ownership, RTV partners with the most remote villages in sub-Saharan Africa to eliminate extreme poverty. In Murole, this will include projects such as mountain gorilla deterrence, agricultural training, a goat cooperative and school construction in order to improve food production and security, access to education and income generation opportunities.

With an average household income of less than 10 cents a day and a 98% illiteracy rate, Murole is RTV’s most challenging project yet but the passion and dedication of the villagers affirm that they’re affirm that they’re on the road to recovery.

That’s the pitch! How can you not be inspired to help? Don’t you want to see significant change happen? I do so that’s why I am doing this. It’s debatable if one man can make a difference, collectively however there’s no limit to what we can accomplish.

Enjoy this fascinating video on Murole and RTV HERE.

You can donate HERE.

And if there are do-gooders in your life, please pass this on, another viable option. Tweet it, facebook it, text it…whatever the cool kids do.


22 April 2013 NewMusic Ten Blog ,

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